Transducer Face page
The sound speed close to the transducer face is an important parameter for maximum accuracy. You can define the sound speed at the transducer manually, or retrieve the information from a dedicated sensor. The sound speed at the transducer face is used for calculating and estimating the angle of steered beams It is saved with the raw data for use in future analysis.
How to open
This page is opened from the Environment dialog box. The Environment dialog box is opened from the Setup menu.
Many users mount a sensor close to the transducer face in order to measure the sound speed. If the sensor is not mounted, the sound speed information must be provided manually.
The sensor is not a part of the EK80 system. This is a commercial item that can be purchased locally.
Select transducer sound speed source
The sound speed at the transducer face can be entered in the echo sounder for recording purposes. The operator determines the method of obtaining the value.
•  Probe
By selecting Probe, the sound speed values from the sensor are received. The information is included in the raw data files.
•  Manual
This option allows you to input the sound speed manually. This can be relevant if neither a sound speed sensor nor a CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) sensor is available.
•  Profile
Select Profile to set the sound speed at the transducer to the speed value from the profile at the transducer depth. Go to the Profile page to select the profile to be used.
Sound Speed at Transducer
•  Sound Speed
Select Manual to select your own sound speed value.