KM Binary datagram format
KM Binary is a proprietary datagram format created by Kongsberg Maritime for general use.
Data description Unit of measurement Format No. of bytes
Start ID #KMB char 4U
Datagram length   uint16 2U
Datagram version (=1)   uint16 2U
UTC seconds s uint32 4U
UTC nanoseconds ns uint32 4U
Status   uint32 4U
Latitude deg double 8F
Longitude deg double 8F
Ellipsoid height m float 4F
Roll deg float 4F
Pitch deg float 4F
Heading deg float 4F
Heave m float 4F
Roll rate deg/s float 4F
Pitch rate deg/s float 4F
Yaw rate deg/s float 4F
North velocity m/s float 4F
East velocity m/s float 4F
Down velocity m/s float 4F
Latitude error m float 4F
Longitude error m float 4F
Height error m float 4F
Roll error deg float 4F
Pitch error deg float 4F
Heading error deg float 4F
Heave error m float 4F
North acceleration m/s2 float 4F
East acceleration m/s2 float 4F
Down acceleration m/s2 float 4F
Delayed heave:      
UTC seconds s uint32 4U
UTC nanosecond ns uint32 4U
Delayed heave m float 4F
Data format Little endian (the least significant byte is transmitted first). Float is according to IEEE - 754.
Datagram length The total number of bytes in the datagram
Datagram version The version is incremented if the datagram format is changed.
Timestamp format Epoch 1970-01-01 UTC time
Position and height At user-defined sensor reference point. Position in decimal degrees.
•  Latitude: Negative on Southern hemisphere
•  Longitude: Negative on Western hemisphere
•  Height: Positive above ellipsoid
Positive roll Port side up
Positive pitch Bow up
Positive heave Downwards, at user-defined sensor reference point
  True north
Error fields Sensor data quality: RMS
-1= not implemented
One bit per status info, 1= active
  Invalid data:
0 Horizontal position and velocity
1 Roll and pitch
3 Heave and vertical velocity
4 Acceleration
5 Delayed heave
  Reduced performance:
16 Horizontal position and velocity
17 Roll and pitch
19 Heave and vertical velocity
20 Acceleration
21 Delayed heave