Data subscription type: Target Strength (TS) detection chirp
The target strength (TS) detection chirp data subscription string is TSDetectionChirp.
•  Type = The variant type as defined for certain programming languages
–  VT_BSTR = Text string
–  V_R8 = double, 8 bytes
–  VT_I4 = Integer 4 bytes
•  R/O = Read only
•  N/A = not applicable
•  If no value is provided in the XML input string, the example value in each table is used as default.
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the current layer type. Surface
Example: Surface
Description Range Unit Type R/O
If the depth range is selected to be individual for each channel, this parameter sets the range for specified channel. <0,10000> m VT_I4 N/A
Example: 500
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the start range for the selected channel. <0,10000> m VT_I4 N/A
Example: 10
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the Minimum Target Strength (TS) Value, also known as Minimum Threshold. <-120,50> dB VT_R8 N/A
Example: –50.0
This is a parameter setting in Single Target Detection dialog box. The target strength (TS) for a single target must exceed this threshold (in dB) to be accepted. This setting applies to both CW and FM operation.
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the Distance Before Target setting. <0,5> m VT_R8 N/A
Example: 0.15
This is a parameter setting in Single Target Detection dialog box. The Distance Before Target and Distance After Target settings define the required spacing before and after one target to the end and beginning of the next target. The value for the Distance After Target should normally be larger than the value for Distance Before Target due to the backscattering properties of a target. This setting only applies to FM operation.
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the Distance After Target setting. <0,5> m VT_R8 N/A
Example: 0.15
This is a parameter setting in Single Target Detection dialog box. The Distance Before Target and Distance After Target settings define the required spacing before and after one target to the end and beginning of the next target. The value for the Distance After Target should normally be larger than the value for Distance Before Target due to the backscattering properties of a target. This setting only applies to FM operation.
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the Maximum Gain Compensation. <0,12>   VT_R8 N/A
Example: 6.0
This is a parameter setting in Single Target Detection dialog box. Targets located off centre will offer weaker echoes due to the beam properties. The EK80 system automatically compensates for this using a mathematical model, and you can manually control the effect of this algorithm by defining a maximum gain value. This setting applies to both CW and FM operation.
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the Maximum Phase Deviation. <0,100>   VT_R8 N/A
Example: 8.0
This is a parameter setting in Single Target Detection dialog box. Several single targets occurring at the same range will give you echoes in different parts of the beam’s cross section. To remove the bad targets, the angle (phase) between the samples in the echo are measured. If the angle is too large, the echoes are deleted. This setting applies to both CW and FM operation.
struct StructEchoTraceWBT
  double Depth; // (m) This is the depth of the target.
  double TSComp; // (dB) This is the compensated
Target Strength (TS) value.
  double TSUncomp; // (dB) This is the uncompensated
Target Strength (TS) value.
  double AlongshipAngle; // (deg) This is the
angle offset in the alongship direction.
  double AthwartshipAngle; // (deg): This is the
angle offset in the athwartship direction.
  double sa; // In this context the sA value presents
the current biomass index.
  float frequencyLimits[2];
  float uncompensatedFrequencyResponse[1000];
  float compensatedFrequencyResponse[1000];
  int withinMaxBeamCompensation[1000];
struct StructTSDataWBT
  WORD NoOfEchoTraces;
  StructEchoTraceWBT EchoTraceElement[100];
Subscription string example