Ping based parameters (Settings)
These ping based parameters identify the transceiver settings at the time of the latest transmission ("ping").
•  Type = The variant type as defined for certain programming languages
–  VT_BSTR = Text string
–  V_R8 = double, 8 bytes
–  VT_I4 = Integer 4 bytes
•  R/O = Read only
TransceiverMgr / Channels
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter specifies which channels that are used on the transceivers. The list includes transceiver type, serial number and transducer name for each channel.     VT_BSTR
Example: WBT 5197648-15 ES120-7C
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / ChannelMode
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the current transceiver mode. 0 = Active
1 =
  VT_I4 No
Example: 0
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / TransmitPower
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the transmit power. The power maximum rating depends on the transceiver type. <0,10000> W VT_R8 No
Example: 250
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / PulseForm
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the pulse type. 0 = CW
1 = FM
5 = FMD
  VT_I4 No
Example: 1
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / Frequency
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is nominal frequency for CW transmissions. <1000,1E6> Hz VT_R8 No
Example: 120000
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / FrequencyStart
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the start frequency in sweep. The frequency range is transducer dependent.   Hz VT_R8 No
Example: 90000
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / FrequencyEnd
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the end frequency in sweep. The frequency range is transducer dependent.   Hz VT_R8 No
Example: 120000
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / PulseLength
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the pulse duration. <0, 0.065535> s VT_R8 No
Example: 0.001024
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / RampingCW
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the pulse ramping for CW transmissions. 0 = Slow
1 = Fast
  VT_I4 No
Example: 1
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / RampingFM
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the pulse ramping for FM transmissions. 0 = Slow
1 = Fast
  VT_I4 No
Example: 1
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / SampleInterval
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the sample interval. The sample rate is the average number of samples obtained in one second. The sample interval is 1/sample rate to allow readout in time (normally milliseconds). <0.000010 , 0.065535> s VT_R8 Yes
Example: 8e-06
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / AbsorptionCofficient
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the absorption coefficient. The value is based on the CW frequency or the centre of an FM frequency sweep. <0, 0.3> dB/m VT_R8 Yes
Example: 0.05
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / SoundVelocity
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter defines the sound speed. The value is used in the environment calculations. <1390,1700> m/s VT_R8 Yes
Example: 1483.9
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / TransducerName
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the custom name of the transducer. The name is provided during the transducer installation in the EK80 user interface.     VT_BSTR Yes
Example: ES120-7C
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / SerialNumber
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the serial number of the transducer in use on the current channel. The information assumes that you have typed in the serial number when you installed the transducer in the user interface.     VT_I4 Yes
Example: 191
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / EquivalentBeamAngle
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the equivalent beam angle. It is commonly referred to as Equivalent 2-way beam angle. <-100,0> dB VT_R8 Yes
Example: -20.7
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / AngleSensitivityAlongship
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the angle sensitivity in the alongship direction. <0,100> El.deg/
VT_R8 Yes
Example: 23
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / AngleSensitivityAthwartship
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the angle sensitivity in the athwartship direction. <0,100> El.deg/
VT_R8 Yes
Example: 23
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / BeamWidthAlongship
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the beamwidth in the alongship direction. <0,100> deg VT_R8 Yes
Example: 7
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / BeamWidthAthwartship
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the beamwidth in the athwartship direction. <0,100> deg VT_R8 Yes
Example: 7
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / AngleOffsetAlongship
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the angle offset in the alongship direction. <-10,10> deg VT_R8 Yes
Example: 0
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / AngleOffsetAthwartship
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the angle offset in the athwartship direction. <-10,10> deg VT_R8 Yes
Example: 0
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / Gain
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the minimum level applied for the relevant channel. <1,100> dB VT_R8 Yes
Example: 27
TransceiverMgr / <ChannelID> / SaCorrection
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This is the sA correction. <-10,10> dB VT_R8 Yes
Example: 0
TransceiverMgr / ExternalTrig
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter controls if the EK80 can operate in Slave mode using an external trigger. 1 = On 0 =   VT_I4 No
Example: 1
In order to make the EK80 operate in Slave mode using the Auxiliary connector on the Wide Band Transceiver (WBT), you need to set AcousticDeviceSynchroniser / ExtSyncMode to StandAlone and TransceiverManager / ExternalTrig to 1.