Environment parameters (Transducer face)
•  Type = The variant type as defined for certain programming languages
–  VT_BSTR = Text string
–  V_R8 = double, 8 bytes
–  VT_I4 = Integer 4 bytes
•  R/O = Read only
OwnShip / EnvironmentData / SoundVelocityTransducerSource
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter specifies if the sound speed is inserted manually, or if it is imported from a sound speed sensor. Profile
Example: Profile
OwnShip / EnvironmentData / SoundVelocityTransducer
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter defines the sound speed. The value is used in the environment calculations. <1390,1700> m/s VT_R8 No
Example: 1483.9