Transceiver information parameters
These parameters identifies the individual transceivers that are used in the EK80 system.
•  Type = The variant type as defined for certain programming languages
–  VT_BSTR = Text string
•  R/O = Read only
TransceiverMgr / Transceivers
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter provides a list of the transceivers used by the EK80 system. The list includes transceiver type (abbreviated) and serial number.     VT_BSTR
Example: WBT 5197648
TransceiverMgr / <TransceiverID> / TransceiverType
Description Range Unit Type R/O
For the given <TransceiverID>, this parameter identifies the type of transceiver in use.     VT_BSTR Yes
Example: WBT
•  "GPT" identifies the "General Purpose Transceiver"
•  "WBT" identifies the "Wide Band Transceiver"
•  "SBT" identifies the "Single Band Transceiver"
•  "WBT Mini" identifies the miniature wide band echo sounder transceiver
•  "WBT Tube" identifies the subsea wide band echo sounder transceiver
TransceiverMgr / <TransceiverID> / SerialNumber
Description Range Unit Type R/O
For the given <TransceiverID>, this parameter identifies the serial number of the transceiver in use.     VT_I4 Yes
Example: 5197648