NMEA GGK datagram format
The NMEA GGK datagram is used to decode the PTNL, Time, Position, Type and DOP (Dilution of Precision) string of the NMEA 0183 output.
1 $—Talker identifier
2 GGKDatagram identifier
3 hhmmss.ssCoordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the current position
4 ddmmyyDay, month and year
5 nnnnn.nnnnnnnn,aLatitude North/South (Degrees, minutes and hundredths)
•  N = North
•  S = South
6 yyyyy.yyyyyyyy,aLongitude East/West (Degrees, minutes and hundredths)
•  E = East
•  W = West
7 xQuality indicator for the GPS (Global Positioning System)
Refer to the NMEA standard for further information about the GPS quality indicator.
8 zz: Number of satellites in use (00 - 12)
The number of satellites may be different from the number in view.
9 w.w: PDOP (Position dilution of precision)
10 EHTeeeeee: Ellipsoidal height of fix
11 u: Unit of height measurement
12 *hh: Checksum