Simrad EK500 Depth datagram
Simrad EK500 Depth is a proprietary datagram format created by Kongsberg Maritime. It was originally defined for the Simrad EK500 scientific echo sounder. It provides the current depth from three channels, as well as the bottom surface backscattering strength and the athwartships bottom slope. This telegram has been designed for output on either a serial line or a local area network Ethernet connection.
Serial line format
Serial line description
1 D#: channel identifier
•  D1: Channel 1
•  D2: Channel 2
•  D3: Channel 3
2 hhmmsstt: current time; hour, minute, second and hundredth of second
3 x.x: detected bottom depth in meters
4 y.y: bottom surface backscattering strength in dB
5 t: transducer number
6 s,s: athwartships bottom slope in degrees
Ethernet format
The Ethernet line output is specified using a “C” programming language structure. Note that this format does not include carriage return and line feed characters at the end of the telegram.
struct Depth {
  char Header[2];
  char Separator1[1];
  char Time[8];
  char Separator1[2];
  float Depth[4];
  float Ss[4];
  long TransducerNumber[4];
  float AthwartShips;
Ethernet description
1 Header#
•  D1: Channel 1
•  D2: Channel 2
•  D3: Channel 3
2 Seperator: “,”
3 Time: current time; hour, minute, second and hundredth of second
4 Depth: detected bottom depth in meters
5 Ss: bottom surface backscattering strength in dB
6 TransducerNumber: transducer number
7 AthwartShips: athwartships bottom slope in degrees