Trimble PTNL GGK datagram format
PTNL GGK is a proprietary datagram from Trimble ( It is longer than the standard NMEA GGK datagram. The PTNL GGK datagram is used to decode the time, position, type and dilution of precision of the current position.
1 $PTNLTalker identifier
2 GGKDatagram identifier
3 hhmmss.ssCoordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the current position
4 ddmmyyDay, month and year
5 dddmm.mmmmmmmmLatitude (degrees)
6 aDirection of latitude
N = North
S = South
7 dddmm.mmmmmmmmLongitude (degrees)
8 aDirection of longitude
E = East
W = West
9 x = GPS quality indicator
0: Fix not available or invalid
1: Autonomous GPS fix
2: RTK float solution
3: RTK fix solution
4: Differential, code phase only solution (DGPS)
5: SBAS solution – WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS
6: RTK float or RTK location 3D Network solution
7: RTK fixed 3D Network solution
8: RTK float or RTK location 2D in a Network solution
9: RTK fixed 2D Network solution
10: OmniSTAR HP/XP solution
11: OmniSTAR VBS solution
12: Location RTK solution
13: Beacon DGPS
10 zz = Number of satellites in use (00 - 12)
The number of satellites may be different from the number in view.
11 w.w = PDOP (Position dilution of precision)
12 EHTaaa.bbb = Ellipsoidal height of fix
13 M = ellipsoidal height is measured in metres
14 *hh = Checksum
The PTNL GGK message is longer than the NMEA-0183 standard of 80 characters.
Even if a user-defined geoid model, or an inclined plane is loaded into the receiver, then the height output in the NMEA GGK string is always an ellipsoid height, for example, EHT24.123.