Ping mode manager parameters
These parameters identify the ADCP current velocity settings at the time of the latest transmission ("ping").
•  Type = The variant type as defined for certain programming languages
–  VT_I4 = Integer 4 bytes
–  VT_BSTR = Text string
–  V_R8 = double, 8 bytes
•  R/O = Read only
The VirtualChannelID comprises a ChannelID and a PingID.
PingModeManager / EsOrAdcpPingMode
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter forces all EC transceivers to either ES (echo sounder) mode or ADCP (current velocity measurement) mode ES
Example: Undefined
PingModeManager / <ChannelID> / ADCP / PulseForm
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter controls the pulse form for the ping transmission. CW = Continuous Wave
LFM = Low–Frequency Modulation
HFM = High-Frequency Modulation
Example: LFM
PingModeManager / <ChannelID> / ADCP / PulseBandWidth
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter controls the sub-pulse bandwidth. <0,24000> Hz VT_R8 No
Example: 0 (default)
This parameter is set to 0 Hz if PulseForm is set to CW (Continuous Wave).
PingModeManager / <ChannelID> / ADCP / DepthCellSize
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter controls the size of depth cells for ADCP (2 |4 |8|16 m). (2 |4 |8|16 m) m VT_R8 No
Example: 4 (default)
PingModeManager / <ChannelID> / ADCP / MaxVesselSpeed
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter controls the estimated maximum speed of the vessel during ADCP operations. <0.0,10.0> m/s VT_R8 No
Example: 5 (default)
This parameter is not in use when EK80 is connected to an MRU using KM binary datagram.
PingModeManager / <ChannelID> / ADCP / MaxCurrentSpeed
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter controls the estimated maximum current speed during ADCP operations. <0.0,10.0> m/s VT_R8 No
Example: 5 (default)
PingModeManager / <ChannelID> / ADCP / FrequencyTx
Description Range Unit Type R/O
This parameter controls an array of all ping frequencies.   Hz VT_R8|VT_ARRAY No
PingModeManager / <ChannelID> / ADCP / TxPower
Description Range Unit Type R/O
Tx Power <0,500> W VT_R8 No
Example: 0 (default)