Colour Scale information pane description
The  Colour Scale information pane allows you to view the current colour scale in use, and to make changes to the echo levels it presents.
How to open
To open the Colour Scale information pane, click in the chosen view to activate it, then select the Colour Scale button on the top bar. To close the information pane, select it one more time on the top bar. You can also select Close in the top right corner of the pane.
The Colour Scale information pane shows you the current colour scale in use for the echo presentations. Note that additional functions related to the colour scales are available.
•  Colour Scale
The colour scales are designed to reflect how strong the echoes are. The echo strength is measured in decibels (dB). In the basic colour scale with 12 colours, each colour represents a 3 dB step. This means that the entire scale covers 36 dB. The dynamic range of the EK80 system is much larger. The  Colour Scale parameters allow you to change the lower limit of colour scale range to match the current echoes.
•  Colour Setup
The Colour Setup dialog box controls the presentation colours used by the EK80 system. This includes the palette ("skin"), the number of colours in use, and the colour scale when no Time Variable Gain (TVG) setting has been selected for the presentation.
•  Bottom bar
The colour scale is shown on the bottom bar even when the Colour Scale information pane is closed.
The following colour scales are available:
12 Colours Sonar Colours Smooth ES Grayscale BI500 Colours
The Smooth Echosounder scale is based on the standard 12-colour scale. Additional colours have been added between them to make smoother colour transitions.
Before you open an information pane, you must first click in an echogram view to make it "active". By doing this you select the channel. In most cases, the data in the information pane is only valid for the selected channel. In this context, the term channel is used as a common term to identify the combination of transceiver, transducer and operating frequency.
You can easily change the physical size and shape of each information pane. Click in its lower right corner, and drag to a new size. To reset the information pane to its default size, select the Reset size button in its top right corner.
The Transparency function allows you to adjust how much you are able to see "through" the information panes you have opened. You can adjust the setting from 0% (no transparency) to 90% (almost full transparency) in steps of 10%.
Select this button to close the information pane. The pane closes immediately. If you wish to reopen it, simply click the button on the top bar one more time.
Reset Size
You may have manually changed the physical size of the information pane. To reset the information pane to its default size, select the Reset size button in its top right corner.
Select Setup to open the Information Pane Options dialog box. This dialog box allows you to change the presentation parameters related to the information pane.