Setting up the EK80 system for ADCP calibration
Normal operation during a velocity measurements calibration requires the special settings of a range of parameters. This procedure describes the parameters and the settings required.
In order to calibrate EK80 for velocity measurements the following equipment and conditions must be in place.
•  Global Positioning System (GPS) input must be received.
•  KM Binary datagram must be received.
•  An ADCP transceiver or transducer must be installed.
•  Time synchronization using NTP servers for ADCP transceiver and EK80 Processor Unit.
•  A suitable location has been selected.
The setup requirements for the EK80 processor unit for velocity measurement calibration are provided through this procedure.
1 On the Operation menu, set Operation to Normal.
2 In the Normal Operation dialog box, set up the operating parameters for the channel you wish to calibrate.
3 Open the Operation menu.
4 Select Normal Operation.
5 In the Normal Operation dialog box set the parameters accordingly:
a Set Pulse Type to LFM-Up for the appropriate ADCP channel.
In LFM Up the transmitted pulse starts using the lower frequency in the range, and ends with the upper frequency. "LFM" means "Linear Frequency Modulated".
b Set Mode to Active.
c Set Power to Maximum.
d Set Start Frequency and End Frequency to values permitted by your transducer.
Start Frequency and End Frequency for current velocity calibration is 138 kHz and respectively 162 kHz.
e Set Max Current Speed to the default (3.0 m/s) value.
f Set Depth Cell Size to minimum 8 m.
6 Select Ping Interval.
Ping Interval is located on the Operation menu.
Set the value 1000 ms
7 Select OK to save the selected setting and close the dialog box.
Further requirements
Proceed to setup the files for storing velocity measurement calibration data.