ADCP calibration summary
The calibration process for velocity measurements involves several steps. The first step is comprised of preparation and test procedures for the EK80. Second step holds field procedures to collect and store ADCP and GPS data. The third step includes post-field procedures to process the data and adjust the settings in the ADCP software.
In order to calibrate EK80 for velocity measurements the following equipment and conditions must be in place.
•  Global Positioning System (GPS) input must be received.
•  KM Binary datagram must be received.
•  An ADCP transceiver or transducer must be installed.
•  Time synchronization using NTP servers for ADCP transceiver and EK80 Processor Unit.
1 Prepare and check the vessel and the EK80 system for velocity measurements calibration.
a Prepare the vessel for EK80 calibration.
b Setup the EK80 for velocity measurements calibration.
2 Create a filing system for the ADCP files.
The calibration process creates an extensive set of raw data files. A standard naming conventions for data files must be used. File names must always be unique and must be descriptive of the data contained. Location name, line number, project name, project number are some of the descriptive terms that could be used in a file name.
A data storage and archiving system must also be defined. A local policy must be adopted to reference and document any additions to or deviations from this system.
3 Start collecting velocity measurement calibration data.
Current velocity measurement calibration is always performed from stored files and not using live data.
4 Process the velocity measurements calibration data.
Calibration values are displayed in the Numerical field.