Selecting operating parameters for calibration
The purpose of the Normal Operation dialog box is to provide you with an overview of the current transceiver parameters. It also allows you to change these parameters to match your current operating requirements. The parameters must be defined before the calibration process starts.
Each parameter must be defined to match the properties of the channel. In this context, the term channel is used as a common term to identify the combination of transceiver, transducer and operating frequency.
You can not calibrate for current velocity measurements with “live” data. All data must be recorded before starting the calibration process.
1 On the Operation menu, set Operation to Normal.
2 In the Normal Operation dialog box, set up the operating parameters for the channel you wish to calibrate.
3 Open the Operation menu.
4 Select Normal Operation.
5 In the Normal Operation dialog box set the parameters accordingly:
a Set Pulse Type to LFM-Up for the appropriate ADCP channel.
In LFM Up the transmitted pulse starts using the lower frequency in the range, and ends with the upper frequency. "LFM" means "Linear Frequency Modulated".
b Set Mode to Active.
c Set Power to Maximum.
d Set Start Frequency and End Frequency to values permitted by your transducer.
Start Frequency and End Frequency for current velocity calibration is 138 kHz and respectively 162 kHz.
e Set Max Current Speed to the default (3.0 m/s) value.
f Set Depth Cell Size to minimum 8 m.
6 Select Ping Interval.
Ping Interval is located on the Operation menu.
Set the value 1000 ms
7 Select OK to save the selected setting and close the dialog box.