Turning on the EK80 system for Passive mode
To use the EK80 system, you must first turn it on. In this situation we do not want the EK80 system to transmit, so we will leave it in Passive mode.
This procedure assumes that the entire EK80 system installation has been inspected. All power sources have been measured and verified. All cables are connected and tested. The EK80 system software has been installed on the Processor Unit.
The program is not automatically started when the Processor Unit is turned on. Double-click the desktop icon to start the program.
When the EK80 system is turned on and set to Normal operating mode, it will use the transducer to transmit acoustic pulses into the water.
You must never set the EK80 system to "ping" unless the transducer is submerged in water. Most transducers are damaged beyond repair if they transmit in open air. Prevent inadvertent use of the EK80 system whenever a transducer is not submerged.
1 Make sure that each transceiver is turned on.
2 Turn on the display.
If required, refer to the instructions provided by the display manufacturer.
3 Turn on the computer.
Wait while the operating system loads.
4 On the computer desktop, double-click the EK80 icon to start the program.
5 Select user settings.
During the program load, a dialog box appears to let you choose from the current user settings available on the EK80. The dialog box is only visible a few seconds. You do not need to make a choice here. You can select your predefined user setting at any time by means of the User Settings dialog box on the Main menu.
6 Once the program has started, observe that the display presentation fills the entire screen.