Network security
If a EK80 system is connected to a local area network, data security is important.
Equipment manufactured by Kongsberg Maritime is frequently connected to the vessel's local area network (LAN). When you connect a computer to a local area network you will always expose the data on that computer. All other computers connected to the same network may be able to access your data. Several threats may immediately occur:
•  Remote computers can read the data.
•  Remote computers can change the data.
•  Remote computers can change the behavior of the computer, for example by installing unwanted software.
Usually, two parameters are used to define the threat level:
1 The likelihood that any remote computer will do any of the above.
2 The damage done if a remote computer succeeds doing this.
Kongsberg Maritime has no information regarding the complete system installation on any vessel. Systems provided by Kongsberg Maritime are regarded as stand-alone offline systems. They are stand-alone even though they may be connected to a network for sensor interfaces and/or data distribution.
No network safety applications are installed on Kongsberg Maritime computers. The computers are therefore not protected against viruses, malware or unintentional access by external users.
Securing the EK80 system itself has no meaning unless there is a policy in place that secures all computers in the network. This policy must include physical access by trained and trusted users. The customer/end user of the EK80 system will always be in charge of defining and implementing a security, policy and providing the relevant network security applications.
Kongsberg Maritime will not accept any responsibility for errors and/or damages caused by unauthorized use of or access to the EK80.