Docking Views function
The echograms take up the largest part of the display presentation. The information from each channel is shown in a separate view. The Docking Views function provided by the EK80 system allows you to rearrange the physical positions of the views, and to change their sizes.
How to open
This function is opened from the Display menu.
Once the Docking Views function is activated, the various views are placed in named windows, and docking positions for these windows are shown. The docking positions show you where to drag and drop the selected view. Any view can selected, and then repositioned as indicated by the docking positions.
When a complete reorganisation of the view positions and sizes have been completed, you may wish to restore the presentation to what it was before you changed it. The reset layout function will remove any new presentation modes and views, return the display views to the default screen layout. If you have created new windows and presentations these will be removed.
You can use the User Settings dialog box and functions to switch between your favourite view settings.
Select On to activate the function.
Select Off to deactivate the function.
Presentation Modes
The views are organized in presentation modes. Which presentation mode to use is selected with the tabs at the bottom of the EK80 presentation.
By means of the Presentation Modes dialog box you can change the order of these tabs, and you can add your own tabs.
To add one or more views to a new presentation mode, use Add Window.
Add Window
Modern computers can easily feed more than one display.
The Add Window dialog box makes it possible to create a new window for a dedicated echogram presentation. The new window can contain a copy of an existing echogram channel, or it can be used to present a channel that is currently not visible.
The window can for example be placed on a second (or third) display connected to your computer.
Select Add Window to open the dialog box. Select which channel to place in the new window.
In this context, the term channel is used as a common term to identify the combination of transceiver, transducer and operating frequency.
Rearrange Views
The rearrange views function will set the size of all vertical views to their default positions and sizes.
Reset Layout
The reset layout function will remove any new presentation modes and views, return the display views to the default screen layout.