Processed Data to File page
The EK80 system can export several types of processed data file formats. Use Processed Data to File to define which processed data formats to save, and where to place the files. This page is located in the Output dialog box.
The Output dialog box is not available when your EK80 system is set to Inactive mode.
How to open
This page is located in the Output dialog box.
The Output dialog box is located on the Operation menu.
Select the output type from the list, select where to send the information, and which channel to export the data from. Select Add to save your choices.
The data files will normally become very large. If you wish to record large amounts of data, make sure that you have enough space on your hard disk. Unless your computer is equipped with a very large disk, we recommend that you save the data to an external storage device.
Once an output type has been defined, it is listed in the Installed Outputs box on the left side of the page. To remove or edit an output type, select it in the Installed Outputs box. Select Edit to change the settings. Select Remove to delete the output.
Types of processed data for file
•  SEGYThe SEGY (sometimes abbreviated "SEG-Y") file format is one of several standards developed by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) for storing geophysical data. It is an open standard, and is controlled by the SEG Technical Standards Committee. For more information, see
•  XYZ
This is processed and interpolated "xyz" data in ASCII format. The XYZ datagram is a topographical datagram showing the position and depth of a single channel.
The ADCP netCDF file format is a file format designed by Kongsberg Maritime to hold ADCP velocity data. The format is created as an extension to the ICES SONAR-netCDF4 format using many of the same groups.
•  BOT
The BOT file format is a proprietary file format designed by Kongsberg Maritime to contain configuration and depth information.
Starting and stopping recording processed data
To start and stop recording of processed data, use the Record Processed function on the Operation menu.
Installed Outputs
The Installed Outputs box lists all the currently selected outputs. To remove or edit an output type, select it in the Installed Outputs box.
•  Select Remove to delete the output.
•  Select Edit to change the settings.
•  Select New to add a new output.
Select the file format you want to export.
Current Output Folder
This text box shows you the file path that is currently used to store the data files. Select Browse to choose a different output folder to store the files.This function uses a standard operating system dialog box. You are permitted to create a new folder.
In order to change the output directory, both Record RAW and Record Processed recording must be set to Off.
Select Channel
Select from which channel you wish to export the data from. In this context, the term channel is used as a common term to identify the combination of transceiver, transducer and operating frequency. The text string identifies the channel using the following information:
•  Transducer name
•  Transducer serial number
File Name Prefix
Define a file name prefix. By adding a prefix to the file names you can identify the files you have recorded during a specific survey. Type any text into the box. The chosen text will be used as prefix on all the file names. Observe the file name limitations in the operating system.
This option is only provided if you create outputs to the ADCP NetCDF format.
Maximum File Size
Define the maximum amount of bytes to be contained in one data file.
The data files will normally become very large. If you wish to record large amounts of data, make sure that you have enough space on your hard disk. The EK80 system is not provided with unlimited disk capacity. We recommend that you either save the data files to an external storage device, or use a network disk.
This option is only provided if you create outputs to the ADCP NetCDF format.
The Range setting defines the vertical range from the start depth and down. In other words, this is the vertical distance between the "top" and the "bottom" of the detection area. The EK80 system will only export data retrieved between the sea surface and the selected depth. The depth range is selected in metres.
If relevant, you can use the channel recording range you defined for raw data recording on the File Setup page.
This option is only provided if you create outputs to the ADCP NetCDF format.
Specify a decimation factor to reduce the sample density and the file size.
•  By selecting Decimation with 10 groups of ten samples are averaged.
•  By selecting Decimation to Depth Cell Size all samples from the currently selected depth cell are averaged.
This option is only provided if you create outputs to the ADCP NetCDF format.
Select Add to allow export of the chosen data format. Once an output type has been defined, it is listed in the Installed Outputs box on the left side of the page.
Once an output type has been defined, it is listed in the Installed Outputs box on the left side of the page. To remove the output, select the relevant format in the Installed Outputs box, and then select Remove.
Once an output type has been defined, it is listed in the Installed Outputs box on the left side of the page. To edit the settings of a specific output, select it in the Installed Outputs box, and then select Edit.
Once you have finished editing the output settings, select Save to keep the changes.