Remote Control: Application Information page
With the Application Information parameters you can control and monitor system-specific information. This is typically the name (EK80) and type of your product ("server"), as well as a an identification number.
The Installation dialog box is not available when your EK80 system is set to Replay mode.
How to open
This page is located in the Installation dialog box. To open the page, select Installation on the Setup menu.
The Application Information parameters include the product name and description, as well as an identification number. Only the identification number can be changed; the other parameters are fixed.
This is the name of your product (EK80). The name is fixed, and you cannot change it.
This is the type of product you are operating. The description is fixed, and you cannot change it.
Application ID
In this box you can provide a number. The number is used to recognize your EK80 system in the larger network.