Remote Control page
The EK80 can be set up to operate as a "sensor" in a larger scientific system. Everything the EK80 do is then remotely controlled from another computer on the local area network (LAN). The Remote Control settings allow you to set up remote controlled operation. You define how the EK80 can be controlled from a peripheral system, and how the EK80 can export information to this and other systems.
The Installation dialog box is not available when your EK80 system is set to Replay mode.
How to open
This page is located in the Installation dialog box. To open the page, select Installation on the Setup menu.
The EK80 Wide band scientific echo sounder allows you subscribe to echo data and to control the operation from your own remote application. In this way you can create your own software for controlling the EK80 operations. Such operations may for example include start/stop pinging, changing ping interval, or start/stop data recording.
In this context the EK80 Processor Unit is regarded as the "server". The EK80 program is the "server application". The program you make yourself for running on a local computer is referred to as the "client application".
The Remote Control parameters are located on three pages in the Installation dialog box.
•  Application Information
With the Application Information parameters you can control and monitor system-specific information. This is typically the name (EK80) and type of your product ("server"), as well as a an identification number.
•  As Server
You use the As Server parameters if you want to set up the EK80 Processor Unit as a server for client applications. A computer is installed somewhere else on the vessel to monitor - and control - the EK80 operations using a client application.