Transceiver IP Address page
The Transceiver Installation parameters control the installation and disconnection of transceivers. If you have several transceivers in a large EK80 system, it may be useful to control the IP Addresses used to communicate with each transceiver. These IP Addresses are defined by a BOOTP server in the computer, and assigned to each transceiver.
In order to establish communication between the computer and the transceiver(s), each transceiver must have unique Internet Protocol (IP) Address. The software in the computer includes a function ("Bootp server") that automatically defines and assigns one IP address to each transceiver.
The IP address of the computer can either be fixed, or automatically obtained from a network.
1 In the bottom-left corner of your desktop, select the Windows® search function.
2 In the search box, type "Network Connections", and open the Network Connections dialog box.
3 Right-click the network adapter you are going to use and select Properties on the shortcut menu.
4 On the list of connections, select Internet Protocol 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then Properties.
5 Obtain an IP address automatically, or specify a specific address for the Ethernet adapter.
If you wish to connect the computer to the ship’s network, you need two Ethernet adapters.
•  Set up one adapter to communicate with the transceiver. Specify a dedicated IP address.
•  Set up one adapter to communicate with the ship’s local area network (LAN). Obtain the IP address automatically.
All the transceivers in the WBT family obtain their IP address from the EK80 system. If you have changed the network settings, turn each transceiver off and on. The EK80 system automatically assigns an IP address to each transceiver when they are turned off and on.
The IP Address assigned to each transceiver will automatically use the same address range as the address given to the computer. If you are an advanced user, you can use the parameters provided to control these addresses.
If you have set up your computer IP Address to, the IP Address(es) to the transceiver(s) will always start with 157.237. The IP3 and IP4 elements are chosen automatically within the ranges defined. If you have three transceivers, they may be provided with IP Addresses, and
This functionality is provided for advanced users. We assume that you are familiar with Ethernet communication and the relevant parameters.
When you work in the Installation dialog box, you must always select Apply to save the changes made on a page. You must do this before you continue working on a different page.
Transceiver IP4 Range
On large networks, you may wish to limit the range of the IP Address(es) provided to the individual transceiver(s). The Transceiver IP4 Range parameters allows you to define upper and lower limits for the fourth element in the IP Address(es). When you make a selection using the spin boxes, observe that the chosen limits are shown in IP4 column in the table.
This functionality is provided for advanced users. We assume that you are familiar with Ethernet communication and the relevant parameters.
IP Address table
Use this table to define the IP address(es) provided to the transceiver(s).
•  IP-1 and IP-2 are provided by the computer, and reflects the choices you made when you set up the Ethernet adapter.
•  IP-3 is chosen using the box.
•  The IP-4 range is selected using the Transceiver IP4 Range boxes.
This functionality is provided for advanced users. We assume that you are familiar with Ethernet communication and the relevant parameters.
Use this Reset function to restore all IP Address settings to their default values.