Transceiver pages
The Transceiver pages are used to define the settings necessary to connect the computer to each transceiver. Each transceiver is assigned one or more transducers. Two pages are used. The Transceiver Installation page shows you a list of the available transceivers, and allows you to make the connections to the computer, and to the transducers you have installed. The Transceiver IP Address page allows you to control the Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses used by the computer to communicate with the transceivers.
Several of the pages in the Installation dialog box are not available when your EK80 system is set to Replay mode.
How to open
This page is located in the Installation dialog box. To open, select it on the Setup menu.
The Transceiver pages are used to define the settings necessary to connect the computer to each transceiver. Two pages are used.
•  Transceiver Installation
The Transceiver Installation parameters control the installation and disconnection of transceivers. Every time the page is opened, the EK80 system software automatically performs a search on the Ethernet network for transceivers. An overview of the available transceivers is shown. As permitted by the software license, you can assign any transducer to any transceiver.
•  Transceiver IP Address
If you have several transceivers in a large EK80 system, it may be useful to control the IP Addresses used to communicate with each transceiver. These IP Addresses are defined by a BOOTP server in the computer, and assigned to each transceiver. This functionality is provided for advanced users. We assume that you are familiar with Ethernet communication and the relevant parameters.
If you have changed the network settings, turn each transceiver off and on. The EK80 system automatically assigns an IP address to each transceiver when they are turned off and on.
When you work in the Installation dialog box, you must always select Apply to save the changes made on a page. You must do this before you continue working on a different page.
Key information about the transceiver(s) can also be found in the Diagnostics dialog box. Open the Diagnostics dialog box from the Setup menu.