Transducer Parameter Form Control dialog box
The transducers you want to use with the EK80 system must be "installed" as a part of the software configuration. Parameters for the individual transducer are specified in this dialog box.
How to open
The Transducer Parameter Form Control dialog box is located on the Transducer Installation page. This page is located in the Installation dialog box. To open, select it on the Setup menu.Select Modify Transducer Parameters to open the dialog box.
Transducer parameters are tuned during calibration. In certain cases, there are known biases for the transducer which are not effectively fixed by the calibration process. As a complement to the calibration process the operator may adjust the transducer parameters in this dialog box.
The Transducer Parameter Form Control dialog box contains two tabs, one for CW (Continuous Wave form) and one for FM (Frequency Modulated wave form). The tabs display parameter settings for each of the wave forms.