The BOT data file format
The BOT file format is a proprietary file format designed by Kongsberg Maritime to contain configuration and depth information.
The BOT data file contains a set of datagrams. The datagram sequence is not fixed. It depends on the number of installed frequency channels. In this context, the term channel is used as a common term to identify the combination of transceiver, transducer and operating frequency.
Depth data for channel and ping
A bot file has the extension .bot. The file contains only one type of datagram, BOT0. The BOT0 datagram is encapsulated in the same way as other datagrams used in the raw file format. The first datagram in the file header is followed by depth data in BOT0 datagrams.
The BOT0 datagram provides information from each channel and ping.
If you have installed six WBTs with split4 transducers, you will have six BOT0 datagram per ping in the file.ent in the bot data files.
Bot data files handling
The characteristics and use of a bot data file is similar to that of the raw data files. The bot data files share these characteristics described for raw data files:
•  Data compatibility
•  Using XML datagrams
•  Numeric type definition