Calculating the angles from Complex data for Beam Type: 1
The split-beam angles, angles for short, can be calculated based on the output angle information included in the Sample binary datagram. Use the beam type of the transducer and the type of angle information in the datagram (Complex or Angle) to determine the right processing of the angle data
This section describes the steps involved in calculating the angles for a transducer having four sectors. The angle data in the Sample binary datagram is Complex. The parameter Beam Type will identify the transducer geometry and type. The Beam Type for this transducer is provided in the raw file.
•  Beam Type: 1
This transducer and transducers having the same geometry and sectors will follow the same steps in calculating the angles.
The relationship between the beams, orientation of the beams and numbering of the complex number in the Sample binary datagram is given by the following:
The angles of the split beam, Ux and Uy, are calculated using the following equation.
•  Ux is the along ships angle.
•  Uy is the athwart ships angle.
•  Λ is the Angle Sensitivity. This information is normally given in the data sheet for the product. The angle sensitivity is retrieved from the Configuration XML datagram.
The arctan2 is expanded for giving results in the following range: <-Π, Π].
Use the section Implementation of arctan for implementation details.
This traditional four quadrant transducer provides the angles in EK INT Format. You will need to transform these to Mechanical Angles for reuse.