Restoring the locations and sizes of the views
If you have used the Docking Views function to rearrange the position and size of your views, a dedicated function is available to restore all the views to their default positions. You can use the User Settings dialog box and functions to switch between your favourite view settings.
The Docking Views function provided by the EK80 system allows you to rearrange the physical positions of the views, and to change their sizes. When a complete reorganisation of the view positions and sizes have been completed, you may wish to restore the presentation to what it was before you changed it.
The reset layout function will remove any new presentation modes and views, return the display views to the default screen layout.
1 Open the Display menu.
2 Observe the Docking Views function. Select the middle of the button to open it for access to the available options.
3 Select Reset Layout to restore the default view configuration.
If you wish to change the views to a configuration you have used before, you must fetch it from the user settings. Of course, you can only do this if you have saved it.
4 On the Main menu, select User Settings.
5 Select the preferred user setting.
6 Select Activate Selected Setting.
All views are placed back to their original or previous positions and sizes.