Moving a view to another display
The echograms take up the largest part of the display presentation. The information from each channel is shown in a separate view. If you have several displays connected to your computer you can even move selected views to another display.
The physical location and size of each view can be changed individually. The content in a view that changes size will automatically be adjusted to take full advantage of the space available.
1 Open the Display menu.
2 Set Docking Views to On.
3 Click in the title bar of the view that you want to move.
The frame of the selected view will change colour to indicate that it has been selected.
4 Press the mouse button, and keep it depressed to drag the selected view to another display.
Further requirements
To move a view back onto the main display, select it, and drag it over. Place the view among the other views as indicated by the docking positions.