Providing vertical velocity in the ADCP information pane
The vertical velocity is shown on the right side of the information pane. Use this procedure to add (or remove) the display from the information pane.
The vertical velocity presentation is optional. The display shows current velocity in the vertical direction as an arrow pointing upwards if the current is moving upwards and downwards if the current is moving downwards.
Each measurement of the water current velocity is presented as a vector drawn as an arrow. The length of the arrow indicates the velocity of the water. The tip of the arrow indicates the direction.
The current velocity can be broken down into components in three dimensions. Displaying the horizontal and vertical component of the current velocity provides a visualisation of the displacement of the current in these directions. This is useful in order to estimate the relative current velocity in the cardinal directions or relative to the vessel orientation, as well as to estimate the current velocity in the up/downward direction.
The vertical current velocity display shows the vertical current velocity as it changes through a survey. The magnitude and direction of the current velocity will change as the current changes.
This is a visual enhancement. The choice you make has no effect on the overall performance of the EK80 system.
1 Open the Active menu.
2 Select Information Pane Options
You can also open the Information Pane Options dialog box by selecting Setup in selected information panes.
3 Open the ADCP page.
4 Check the Vertical box by clicking in it.
To remove the vertical current velocity display , uncheck the Vertical box by clicking in it again.
5 Select Apply to save your choice.
6 Select OK to close the dialog box.