Recalling single echogram screen capture images
Screen Capture on the top bar allows you to make a copy of the current display presentation. Each screen capture you make is saved in .jpg format on the Processor Unit hard disk. The Screen Captures tab on the bottom bar opens a viewer that allows you to open these images.
The screen capture browser simply presents a miniature version of each screen capture that you have made. Each file is provided in standard JPG format, which can be opened by most commercial bitmap editors. The file names are created automatically using the date and time when you used the Screen Capture button.
1 Observe the Screen Captures tab at the bottom of the display presentation.
2 Select the Screen Captures tab to open the screen capture browser.
3 Double-click the image you wish to enlarge.
4 Select Return to Browser to close the image.
5 To resume normal operation, select any other tab on the bottom bar.