Saving a screen capture
While using the EK80 system you may wish to make a screen capture to save an instantaneous copy of the current presentation. Each screen capture you make is saved in .jpg format on the Processor Unit hard disk.
You can save and recall echo information using the following methods and formats:
•  Bitmap images (containing the full screen) are saved when you select Screen Capture on the top bar. Each screen capture you make is saved in .jpg format on the Processor Unit hard disk. The Screen Captures tab on the bottom bar opens a dedicated viewer that allows you to open these images. In the viewer you can also open the file folder on the hard disk. You can copy, rename or delete the image files.
•  Use Record RAW on the Operation menu to record raw data. To play back data, select Operation and then Replay mode. This mode allows you to play back previously recorded data. In Replay mode the EK80 system is not able to transmit ("ping"). For this reason, the EK80 system is inactive during playback.
•  A "history file" is recorded automatically and continuously. When the file is full it will start to overwrite the oldest data, thus creating a "ring buffer". These images can be recalled using the History information pane. The information in the History presentation is the same as on the original echogram presentation. To open the History information pane, select the button on the top bar.
•  Use Record Processed on the Operation menu to record processed data. This is only an export format. Processed data files can not be played back on the EK80 system.
The data files will normally become very large. If you wish to record large amounts of data, make sure that you have enough space on your hard disk. Unless your computer is equipped with a very large disk, we recommend that you save the data to an external storage device.
1 Before you make the screen capture, you may wish to place an event marker on the echogram.
The event marker may be useful later to identify the information.
2 Observe Screen Capture on the top bar.
3 Select Screen Capture to make a copy of the entire display presentation.
Every time you do this a new image file is created. Each capture includes the entire display presentation. This includes all the current views as well as the menu system.
Each screen capture you make is saved in .jpg format on the Processor Unit hard disk.