Accessing the screen capture images to delete, move or copy them
When the screen capture images have been saved, you may wish to delete them, copy them, or move them to a separate storage device.
It is assumed that you are familiar with the Microsoft®  operating system utilities for file handling.
You need a data storage device. This is typically a large capacity USB flash drive or a small portable hard disk. You can also connect the Processor Unit to a network, and copy the files to a server.
1 Prepare a data storage device.
2 Observe the Screen Captures tab at the bottom of the display presentation.
3 Select the Screen Captures tab to open the screen capture browser.
4 In the browser, select Open Image Folder to open the operating system folder.
5 Use the functionality provided by the operating system to delete the files, or to copy or move them to the storage device.
6 Close the file manager utility.
7 To resume normal operation, select any other tab on the bottom bar.