Processor page
The Processor page offers an overview of the parameters related to software version, operation and network.
How to open
This page is located in the Diagnostics dialog box. Open the Diagnostics dialog box from the Setup menu.
The information on the Processor page is offered in groups.
Program Version
This information is also found in the About dialog box.
These boxes provide generic information related to the operating parameters.
Some end users connect the Processor Unit to their local area network (LAN). This group offers generic information about this network. If the Processor Unit is not connected to a local network, these boxes are empty.
Program Version
Each software release for the EK80 system is uniquely identified. The version described in this publication is 21.15. This information is also found in the About dialog box. The About dialog box is located on the Setup menu.
If you wish to find the latest software version for the EK80 system, check our website.
These boxes provide generic information related to the operating parameters.
Ping Count
The Ping Count value is simply a consecutive count of transmissions ("pings") since the EK80 system was turned on and activated.
Ping Interval
The ping interval (1/ping repetition frequency (PRF)) is the ping rate measured in time between each acoustic transmission.
The phrase ping rate is used to describe the parameter that controls how often the EK80 system can or shall transmit acoustic energy (a "ping") into the water. The ping rate is normally limited by the maximum range settings. It also depends on hardware limitations. This may be, for example, how fast your EK80 system can handle the information from each ping, how fast it communicates with external peripherals, or how long time it uses to save data.
Sequential pinging
The Sequential pinging function can be used if you have more than one channel in use on the EK80 system. When activated, each individual transceiver will transmit ("ping") in sequence, one by one. When not activated, all transceivers will "ping" simultaneously.
Some end users connect the Processor Unit to their local area network (LAN). This group offers generic information about this network. If the Processor Unit is not connected to a local network, these boxes are empty.
This text box reflects the name of the local area network (LAN).
Local IP Address
This is the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the Ethernet interface adapter located in your computer. In most cases, each Ethernet adapter has a unique IP address, even when it supports multiple sockets.