Placing echogram channels in separate windows on multiple displays
The Add Window dialog box makes it possible to create a new window for a dedicated echogram presentation. The new window can contain a copy of an existing echogram channel, or it can be used to present a channel that is currently not visible.
The Add Window dialog box can be used even if you only have one display monitor. You can only place a new window on a secondary display if your computer is fitted with a suitable graphic adapter, and the necessary adjustments have been made in the display driver.
Computers with graphic adapters supporting more than one display are fairly common. The Add Window function has been implemented to show echogram presentations on multiple displays. The function is also useful if your computer is only fitted with a large single display.
1 Open the Display menu.
2 Observe the Docking Views function. Select the middle of the button to open it for access to the available options.
3 Select Add Window to open the dialog box.
4 Select which channel to copy to a new window.
In this context, the term channel is used as a common term to identify the combination of transceiver, transducer and operating frequency.
5 Select OK.
The new window contains the chosen echogram channel. You can move this window to any display using the functionality provided by the operating system. To close the window, click the "X" in its top right corner.
You can repeat this as many times necessary, and thus establish a separate window for each echogram channel.