Ensemble page
On the Ensemble page you can view, add and edit information about the ensembles used in the advanced sequences.
•  The EK80 is running in Normal or Inactive operating mode.
How to open
You open this dialog box from the Setup menu.
An ensemble is a collection of one or more ping groups. The intention of an ensemble is to perform repeating sets of different configurations. The ensemble is identified with a name that you choose. By using multiple ensembles, you can create advanced operational patterns.
Available Ping Groups
Available Ping Groups lists the ping groups which can be used in an ensemble. You can scroll the list of ping groups and highlight them to see more details.
Current Ensemble Ping Groups
Current Ensemble Ping Groups lists the ping groups for the selected ensemble. You can add, edit and remove ping groups as well change the repletions for a group. You can scroll the list of ping groups and highlight them to see more details. Details regarding the selected ping group can be expanded or collapsed.