How to calculate angle from angle data
Split-beam angles, also named angles, for a transducer can be calculated using the recorded raw files. The Sample binary datagram includes angle information either directly or as a complex value depending on the transducer geometry and beam type.
A transducer or transceiver has a number of sectors used for transmitting signals. The number and geometry of the sectors will determine the beam type and how to calculate the angles. BeamType is a parameter in EK80 which identifies transducer/transceiver type and geometry.
•  Beam Type: 1
Geometry: Four quadrants
Transducer/transceiver example: ES38B
•  Beam Type: 17
Geometry: Three sectors
Transducer/transceiver example: ES38–10
•  Beam Type: 49, 65, 81
Geometry: Three sectors and a centre element
Transducer/transceiver example: ES38–7
•  Beam Type: 97
Geometry: Two pairs of sectors perpendicular to each other
Transducer/transceiver example: EC150–3C
Angle data is provided in the sample binary datagram. The angle data is included if Datatype indicates Angle or Complex.
•  Bit 0 = Power
•  Bit 1 = Angle
•  Bit 2 = ComplexFloat16
•  Bit 3 = ComplexFloat32
•  Bit 8 - 10 = Number of Complex per Samples
Angle data for Complex and Angle are processed differently. Make sure you use the right processing for the power data received.