Adjusting the pulse duration
The Pulse Duration setting specifies the current duration ("length") of the transmitted pulse. You can manually select a pulse duration that suits your operation.
The pulse duration can be selected according to the current depth and what kind of fish you are looking for. The deeper you wish to see, the longer pulse duration should be selected. Remember that in the EK80 system, the pulse duration and the bandwidth are mutually dependant.
For CW (Continuous Wave) transmissions:
•  Long pulses provides longer detection range. They make the EK80 system less sensitive for noise, but offer lower range resolution.
•  Short pulses provides shorter detection range. They make the EK80 system more sensitive for noise, but offer higher range resolution.
For FM (Frequency Modulated) transmissions:
•  Long pulses provide longer detection range, and the range resolution is independent of the pulse duration..
•  Short pulses provide shorter detection range, and they make the EK80 system more sensitive for noise.
1 Open the Operation menu.
2 Select Normal Operation.
3 For the relevant channel, set Pulse Duration to your chosen value.
4 Select OK to save the selected setting and close the dialog box.