Transceiver page
The EK80 system can be set up to work with one or more transceivers. The Transceiver page offers key information about each transceiver in use by the EK80 system.
How to open
This page is located in the Diagnostics dialog box. Open the Diagnostics dialog box from the Setup menu.
Each transceiver is identified by its serial number. Select transceiver from the list. Only static information is provided.
The Transceiver Installation parameters control the installation and disconnection of transceivers. An overview of the available transceivers is shown. As permitted by the software license, you can assign any transducer to any transceiver. The Transceiver Installation page is located in the Installation dialog box. The Installation dialog box is located on the Setup menu.
The Transceiver Power Supply information pane shows you the current supply voltage provided to the transceiver.
Select Transceiver
Use the spin box to select which transceiver you wish to investigate.
This information reflects the type of transceiver connected.
•  "GPT" identifies the "General Purpose Transceiver"
•  "WBT" identifies the "Wide Band Transceiver"
•  "SBT" identifies the "Single Band Transceiver"
•  "WBT Mini" identifies the miniature wide band echo sounder transceiver
•  "WBT Tube" identifies the subsea wide band echo sounder transceiver
This information is also found on the Transceiver Installation page. The Transceiver Installation page is located in the Installation dialog box.The Installation dialog box is located on the Setup menu.
Serial Number
This is the serial number of the transceiver. This number is fixed and cannot be changed. This information is also found on the Transceiver Installation page.
SW Version
This is the software version currently running on the transceiver. This information is also found on the Transceiver Installation page.