Operation function
The Operation function controls the operating mode of the EK80 system. You can set it to Normal, Replay or Inactive. To activate the Advanced Sequencing operating mode an operational sequence must have been created previously.
How to open
This function is opened from the Operation menu.
The EK80 system offers several operating modes.
•  Inactive mode is provided to pause the operation temporarily.
•  Normal mode allows the EK80 system to transmit ("ping") through the water, and to receive the echoes.
•  The Replay mode allows you to play back previously recorded data.
•  Advanced Sequencing mode starts operation based on predefined operational sequences.
Select the middle of the button to open a small menu with the available options.
When you set the EK80 system to Replay mode, select Replay File. The Replay File dialog box allows you to choose which file(s) to be used for playback. To control the actual playback, use the replay bar. The replay bar opens automatically at the top of the display presentation when you choose Replay mode.
Note that Inactive operating mode is not the same as Passive mode. While Inactive mode stops both transmission and reception, Passive mode will still allow the EK80 system to receive echoes. If you want to switch to Passive mode, use the Normal Operation dialog box.
The current operating mode is also shown in the Extras menu.
Select this option to pause the operation. Neither transmission nor reception takes place. When the EK80 system is disabled with this function, it will stop. The current echoes are removed from the display presentation.
Select this option to start normal operation. The EK80 system will transmit ("ping") the acoustic pulses into the water and receive the resulting echoes. The information is processed by the Processor Unit, and the resulting data are shown in the display presentation.
The EK80 system will transmit according to the currently selected "ping" parameters.
The EK80 will transmit ("ping") only if Ping is set to On.
If you want to establish a passive system (transmission switched off, but normal reception), use the functionality offered by the Normal Operation dialog box.
This mode allows you to play back previously recorded data. In Replay mode the EK80 system is not able to transmit ("ping"). For this reason, the EK80 system is inactive during playback.
Do not confuse Record with the automatic History functionality. The History function saves the echogram images automatically on the hard disk These images can be recalled using the History information pane. The number of history files is limited. After reaching the maximum number of files, the latest echogram picture overwrites the oldest one. Record RAW allows you to record unprocessed raw echo data. Echo data files may be kept for future references. The amount of data you can record is only limited by the size of your storage media.
The Replay File dialog box allows you to choose the echo data file(s) you wish to play back.
Record RAW allows you to record the unprocessed echo data received by the transducer.
Advanced Sequencing
Advanced Sequencing mode starts operation based on predefined operational sequences. The Advanced Sequencing operational mode is only available if one or more advanced sequences have been defined, and one of these has been selected using the Select Sequence function.