Cruise Summary
CalCOFI 1501NH winter cruise on RV New Horizon; 15 Jan – 8 Feb 2015. 100 stations were successfully occupied; sta 60.90 & a few net tows were cancelled due to high winds & rough seas. SCCOOS stations 80.0 50.5 & 85.4 35.8 were skipped. Refer to station activities for specific station work performed.
CTD notes: due to the inability of the CTD to power dual T, C, & O2 sensors after sta 64 (80.90), single T, C, & O2 data were collected on casts 65 -100. These include sta 80.100 and all stations north on Lines 77 – 60.
After the departure of 8 scientists & volunteers in Monterey, the CTD-rosette was programmed to trip 12 bottles. Refer to the CTD Summary Notes when they are available.
Cruise Dates:
15 Jan – 08 Feb 2015 (Thurs-Sun; 25 DAS)
12-14 Jan 2015
09 Feb 2015
Dave Griffith, Chief Scientist, NMFS
Amy Hays, NMFS
Jennifer Rodgers-Wolgast, IOD (SIO Technical Coordinator)
Station Data Collected:
CTD Sensors:
- Temperature
- Conductivity/Salinity
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Fluorescence
- Transmittance
- PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)
- Nitrate (ISUS)
- Altimetry
- pH
Bottle Samples:
- Salinity
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Nutrients
- Chlorophyll-a & Phaeopigments
- Primary Productivity
- Phytoplankton
- HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
- DIC (Dissolved Inorganic Carbon)
- LTER ancillary
- Fukushima Cesium-134 (Cs-134)
- Primary Production
- LTER Ancillary
- Bongo
- Manta
- Pairovet
Underway Data Collected:
- Surface & Meteorological Measurements
- Marine Mammal Visual & Acoustic Observations
- Seabird Visual Observations
- CUFES (Continuous Underway Fish Egg Sampler)
- ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)
- pCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide)
- ALF (Advanced Laser Fluorometer)
- Fisheries Acoustic Observations (EK60)
- APEX Drifter Deployments, NAVOCEANO
- Drifter Deployments, Global Drifter Program
- Primary Productivity
- LTER Ancillary
- Fukushima Cesium-134 (Cs-134)
Preliminary Plots
Please note: these data are 1m-bin-average Seasoft-processed CTD data that have not gone through quality control checks or bottle corrections. Anomalies are based on 50-year harmonics (1949-1999).
10 meter Preliminary CTD Data Contours
(Click for larger image)
10 meter Anomaly Contours (50 yr mean)
(Click for larger image)
100 meter Preliminary CTD Data Contours
(Click for larger image)
100 meter Anomaly Contours (50 yr mean)
(Click for larger image)
CTD Processing Notes
CTD Sensor Corrections:
Derived by comparing sensor data (4 sec avg prior-to-bottle closure) to bottle samples.
Dual Salinity (Seabird SBE4) and Oxygen (Seabird SBE43) Sensors
Salinity offset (bottle - sensor; > 350 m) | -0.00232 | 0.00084 |
Oxygen ml/L | y = 1.0507x - 0.0094; R² = 0.9997 | y = 1.0397x - 0.0132; R² = 0.9998 |
Oxygen umol/Kg | y = 1.0507x - 0.4099; R² = 0.9997 | y = 1.0397x - 0.05732; R² = 0.9998 |
Single Nitrate (Satlantic ISUS v3 SN111) and Fluorescence (Wetlabs ECO AFL/FL) Sensors
Nitrate | y = 27.23x - 7.1464; R² = 0.9945 | |
Fluorescence | y = 7.1988x - 0.2187; R² = 0.8363 | y = 7.2289x² + 5.7762x - 0.1677; R² = 0.839 |
Please note: these regressions are generated from preliminary CTD vs bottle data and will be reprocessed once final bottle data are available. CTD temperatures and salinities do not usually change but oxygen, chlorophyll-a, and nitrate may change significantly after QAQC. Questionable or mistrip bottle data are removed from these comparisons but may be visible on the CTD.csv plots. For this cruise and future cruises, both primary & secondary sensor profiles vs bottle data will be generated and archived in the downloadable CTD+Bottle data files. These plots are under the “csv-plots\Primary” & “csv-plots\Secondary” subdirectories.
General Notes
CalCOFI 1501NH General Cast Notes: This cruise occupied 100 stations: 93 standard, & 7 SCCOOS. The stations were occupied in traditional sequence but MBARI-SECRET 20nm stations, 63.65 63.75 63.85 & 63.95 were not occupied. SCCOOS stations 80.0 50.5 (too rough, windy night) & 85.4 35.8 (offline, shiptime) were not occupied. No CTD casts deeper than 770m were performed – no 1000m MBARI-SECRET casts on Line 63 & no 3500m casts on 90.90 or 80.90.
CalCOFI 1501NH was on SIO RV New Horizon. STS’ two-wire termination was used intially but after three short but problematic casts, a new termination was done. 150m of severely rusty wire was removed then a fresh termination of the three-conductor wire done by JRW. As recommended by STS, only the white conductor and shield were used for signal & ground (as the first three stations). There were problems with the pumps failing after 50m so the secondary pump was disconnected. For casts 04-11, only the primary sensors T, C, & O2 were collecting good data. Since using a single conductor for signal proved unreliable, the black+white conductors were combined for signal, shield as ground and new secondary pump installed. This solution worked and both sets of T C O2 sensors logged data for casts 12 – 63. On cast 64, the CTD failed during the downcast. The only viable workaround was to run primary T, C, O2 & pump only for casts 65 – 100. It is uncertain whether the CTD fish or deck unit were having problems or the conductive wire. (Note: CTD fish and deck unit tested fine so problems are attributed to the wire quality). The CTD & deck unit were sent to Seabird post-cruise for service. Please note that wildedit was applied to the CTD data to despike the sensor data – there were a few casts with significant spikes resulting in data gaps in 1m averaged data. Downcasts should be good but there are a few upcasts with spikes when triggering bottle closure. Please refer to specific cast notes below.
CTD initial configuration was standard: Seabird 911+ with dual T, C, O2, & pumps; Wetlabs C-Star 25cm transmissometer; Biospherical QSP200L PAR; Datasonics/Benthos Altimeter; WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL; Seabird pH; Satlantic ISUS v2 & battery. Please refer to the xmlcon files or cruise prospectus for additional info. The secondary pump was disabled for a couple casts at the beginning of the cruise; the secondary set of sensors were disabled after cast 64 for the remainder of the cruise.
Cast Notes:
Cast 01 – non-confirmations for bottles #2 at 50m and #3 at 42m; suspect #1 was 60m then #2 was 36m, both prodo bottles. Noisy signal & spikes noted on upcast; downcast looks okay.
Cast 02 – SCCOOS shallow station immediately after Cast 01; signal noise but 4 bottles marked, tripped, & closed.
Cast 03 – SCCOOS shallow station; downcast prfiles looks okay; upcast: 5m bottle #4 did not close – carousel jumped from 4 to 2 so additional trips were necessary to catchup. CTD reterminated post-cast.
Cast 04 – 93.28 severe problems, lost 12hrs troubleshooting CTD issues; CTD reterminated after 150m of wire removed. CTD pumps are turning off at ~50m on downcast. Additional solutions attempted: 1) 1° conductivity sensor changed before cast; 2) carousel changes as per DAG suggestion; 3) new pump cable; 4) new pylon cable; 5) spare deck unit used; 6) dummied secondary pump WORKED. So secondary sensor data on casts 004 – 011 are bad.
Cast 04 – 11 primary sensor data good, secondary sensor bad – no pump
Cast 06 – bottom valves on bottle #1 & #20 replaced post-cast, drippy
Cast 08 – bottle #10 replaced, bottom o-ring leaking
Cast 12 – backup pump installed as 2°; dual conductors – black & white combined for signal, shield as ground. Both pumps & sensor sets are working.
Cast 15 – rockin-rolling
Cast 19 – 15kt winds but relatively calm
Cast 20 – some big rolls
Cast 21 – rolling
Cast 22 – windy, rolling
Cast 23 – going down slow 30m/min then 40m/min; sunny but windy & rough
Cast 24 – going down slow 30 then 40 – rough seas
Cast 25 – mid-size rollers
Cast 27 – calmer; two markers at 440m – file edited/corrected
Cast 29 – calm sunny
Cast 37 – calm bright but cloudy; transmissometer dropout @ 500m downcast
Cast 40 – small pH spike at 330m on downcast
Cast 45 – calm morning; Fukushima water collected from underway since all bottle needed
Cast 48 – no nav file; created one from marker file
Cast 60 – RS232 issues, deck unit reset seemed to fix the glitch; MET system froze & was reset as well. Extra 4om tripped & ignored
Cast 61 – relatively calm with some big rolls – trough
Cast 62 – deck unit error lights flashed red at 35m downcast; spikes in O2 135m downcast; fluorometer spike @ 458m upcast. Connectors checked and serviced post-cast.
Cast 63 – all sensors glitched out at 85m on downcast but transient
Cast 64 – carousel reset after major spike, RJ did not fire enough bottles to “catch-up” so no bottles closed less than 200m ie only the 1st 7 depths from 515 to 200 trapped water. Downcast does not look bad but the transmissometer dropped out at 450-515m downcast. Pre-cast notes by RJ: deck unit displaying zeros on all channels, changed sea cable slo-blow fuse & fast-blow fuse. Numbers came back but it was decided to run only primary sensors and disable secondary sensors & pump.
Cast 65T – test cast, primary T, C, O2 & pump only on white & black conductors. Looked at sliprings but did not see any obvious problem. Test successful.
Cast 65 – single sensors no problems at all
Cast 66 – Fukushima seawater collected at 25m bottle 19 (should have tripped another for 20L; used remainder of bottle 18) and surface bottle 22. Pr offset adjusted by -0.05.
Cast 69 – rough seas again
Cast 70 -71 – moderate rollers
Cast 73 – no nav file created – will create one from marker
Cast 75 – big rollers, transmissometer failure 450-515m downcast.
Cast 76 – big rollers, hard to hit target depths; transmissometer out at 500-515m
Cast 77 – big rollers, hard to hit target depths; transmissometer out at 480-515m
Cast 78 – big rollers, hard to hit target depths; transmissometer out at 480-515m
Cast 79 – rough sunny weather; Windex bottle broke in wetlab (ammonia?); transmissometer okay
Cast 80 – moderate seas; transmissometer dropped out ~450-515m downcast
Cast 81 – Transmissometer spikes ~430-490m
Cast 82 -84 – Transmissometer squirrely ~450-500m downcast; no spare (Goericke’s spare uses older connector)
Cast 85 – crossed lanyards on bottles #2-3
Cast 86 – 100 – 12 bottle casts, Leg II after 8 scientists disembarked in Santa Cruz/Monterey
Cast 88 – 100 – Transmissometer squirrely ~400-515m downcast; no spare (Goericke’s spare uses older connector)
Cast 92 – moderate rollers
File notes:
08Mar2017 update to 20-1501NH_CTDFinalQC.zip file:
Seasoft-generated asc-hdr files are available renamed to 20-1501NH_LLLLSSSS_###d or u.asc & .hdr. Voltages in the .asc files were also relabled. Since this makes it difficult to reprocess & merge with bottle data if necessary, the original .asc, .hdr, & .btl have also been archived. Their voltage header labels have not been changed so refer to the corresponding .hdr file for sensor configuration. This cruise had both single T,C & O2 and dual T,C, & O2 – refer to notes.
Missing nav files created from mrk files: Cast 41, 62, & 73
Mislabels found and corrected:
Cast 09 – cast mislabeled 08 in hdr, hdr & hex files corrected using text & hex editors.
Cast 68 – sta mislabeled 90.0 in hdr, should be 80.0; hdr & hex files corrected using text & hex editors.
26Feb2015 / 16Aug2016(final update) / 08Mar2017 (CTD.csv file renaming; .asc file sensor-voltage relabeling)
1501NH Drifter Deployments
Ten drifters provided by NAVOCEANO were deployed on CalCOFI 1501NH.
Real-time data may be viewed at: http://gdp.ucsd.edu/calcofi
Please note that drifters were not deployed in numerical order ie 139476 was deployed 1st then 139477 139469 139470….
Refer to date, time, CalCOFI Line & Sta for launch sites. This table is an excerpt from CalCOFI’s Cruise Event Log.
cruise | Event# | ccline | ccst | datePST | timepst | latitude | longitude | activity | event | operator | DATEUTC | timeutc | drifter# |
1501 | 517 | 86.7 | 70 | 23-Jan-15 | 09:55:36 | 32.6594 | -121.034 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED | JRW | 23-Jan-15 | 17:53:44 | 139476 - 1ST DRIFTER |
1501 | 537 | 86.7 | 90 | 23-Jan-15 | 21:18:06 | 31.99437 | -122.397 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED | JRW | 24-Jan-15 | 05:16:44 | 139477 |
1501 | 561 | 86.7 | 110 | 24-Jan-15 | 09:32:14 | 31.32323 | -123.746 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED | JRW | 24-Jan-15 | 17:29:29 | 139469 |
1501 | 807 | 76.7 | 100 | 28-Jan-15 | 16:51:58 | 33.38861 | -124.323 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED | AK | 29-Jan-15 | 00:50:29 | 139470 |
1501 | 816 | 76.7 | 90 | 28-Jan-15 | 23:01:23 | 33.7237 | -123.653 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED | AK | 29-Jan-15 | 06:59:59 | 139472 |
1501 | 826 | 76.7 | 80 | 29-Jan-15 | 05:29:29 | 34.05948 | -122.948 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED 139471 | RAJ | 29-Jan-15 | 13:27:59 | 139471 |
1501 | 843 | 76.7 | 70 | 29-Jan-15 | 12:05:51 | 34.3901 | -122.255 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED | SMM | 29-Jan-15 | 20:04:29 | 139468 |
1501 | 967 | 70.0 | 90 | 31-Jan-15 | 19:36:19 | 34.88646 | -124.479 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED | SMM | 01-Feb-15 | 03:34:59 | 139475 |
1501 | 60.0 | 80.0 | 05-Feb-15 | 11:30:00 | 36.39333 | -125.053 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED | SMM | 05-Feb-15 | 19:30:00 | 139473 | |
1501 | 1195 | 64.3 | 74.1 | 05-Feb-15 | 18:11:03 | 36.39848 | -124.083 | Ancillary | DRIFTER DEPLOYED | DAG | 06-Feb-15 | 02:09:44 | 139474 |
DateUTC TimeUTC Comments
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139476 – 1ST DRIFTER
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139477
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139469
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139470
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139472
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139471
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139468
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139475
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139473
17-Feb-15 19:50:00 139474