CalCOFI Hackathon brings together data science & marine science early career professionals to develop innovative data visualization tools using CalCOFI data
The CalCOFI Hackathon, led by Chase James (Scripps Institution of Oceanography graduate student) and Erin Satterthwaite (CalCOFI Program Coordinator & marine ecology specialist), brought together over 50 data & marine science early career professionals from UCSD, UCD, and UCSB to develop innovative data visualization tools using CalCOFI data over spring break. Participants were introduced to the CalCOFI program and data through a series of introductory lessons, worked in 10 cross-disciplinary teams to develop interactive and engaging data visualization tools, and participated in professional development and social events throughout the week. Projects consisted of topics related to visualizing, querying, and predictions utilizing the vast array of CalCOFI data. The Hackathon commenced with final presentations, a competition, and an awards ceremony.
Example Projects:
Harmful algal bloom trends: Visualizing CalCOFI phytoplankton data to show trends in harmful algal species.
CalCOFI data query tool: Developing a CalCOFI data query tool.
Glider & CalCOFI data: Combining the California Underwater Glider Network data with CalCOFI data.
Code & data here.
Artificial Neural Networks & diatom predictions: Determining if an Artificial Neural Network can predict diatom size classes in the CCE.
Code & data here.
Environmental trends: Visualizing CalCOFI CTD data.
Code here.
Whales & their food: Visualizing whales & whale food.
Code & data here. Rough visualization here.
Rockfish trends: Rockfish trends within the California Current Ecosystem.
Code & data here.
Ecological network: Interactive network of ecological interactions in the California Current Ecosystem.
Code & data here.