Seabird Data
Abundances of Seabird Taxa (Aves)
Data Locations:

CalCOFI Seabirds Observations and Transect Logs from the Farallon Institute
1987 – Present
Collection: Underway visual observation of birds during CalCOFI cruises
Analysis: Farallon Institute

Farallon Institute Seabird Species Table
Species Table: Species, type, common name, and scientific name
Analysis: Farallon Institute

Seabird and Marine Mammal Surveys
2011 – Present
Collection: Underway visual observation of marine mammals and birds during CalCOFI cruises
Analysis: Farallon Institute / Bill Sydeman

CalCOFI and NMFS Seabird and Marine Mammal Observation Data
1987 – 2006
Collection: Underway visual observation of marine mammals and birds during CalCOFI cruises
Analysis: Scripps Institution of Oceanography / PRBO Conservation Science

Seasonal Seabird Density and Richness
1987 – 2006
Collection: Underway visual observation of marine mammals and birds during CalCOFI cruises
Analysis: Farallon Institute / Bill Sydeman

Bird and Mammal Observations Aboard CalCOFI, NMFS, and CPR Cruises
1987 – Present
Collection: Underway visual observation of marine mammals and birds during CalCOFI cruises
Analysis: Farallon Institute / Bill Sydeman
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