CalCOFI Documents
PDF library of CalCOFI Documents published from 2019 - Present

CalCOFI Documents include the annual State of the California Current Report, annual CalCOFI Conference Programs and Proceedings, and CalCOFI Program reports and reviews from 2019 to present
CalCOFI Reports
PDF library of CalCOFI Reports published from 1950 - 2019

CalCOFI Reports presents reviewed papers on the physical and chemical environment of the California Current and its living resources. Published annually in association with the CalCOFI Conference.
Most volumes describe the state of the California Current, review California fisheries for the previous year, include the Conference Symposium, and provide contributed papers.
CalCOFI Atlases
PDF library of CalCOFI Atlases published 1963 - 2002

Various compilations and analyses of hydrographic, zooplankton and fisheries data collected during the CalCOFI time-series.
Bibliographies produced annually of publications using CalCOFI data

Includes peer-reviewed journal articles, theses, books, and technical reports.