Welcome, Josie Adams, SIO CalCOFI’s new Research Associate

Welcome, Josie Adams, SIO CalCOFI’s new Research Associate

We are excited to welcome Josie Adams to the SIO CalCOFI oceanographic team.  Josie is a recent graduate of the University of Washington School of Oceanography, where she worked as a technician at the Argo Float Lab for 3 years, and as a research assistant for Dr. H. Paul Johnson for 2 years studying methane plumes in Puget Sound. 

The picture above was taken on the Research Vessel Nathaniel B. Palmer in 2022, near Palmer Station, Antarctica, where they stopped to offload and onload personnel and supplies before continuing on to New Zealand.  Josie was sailing as a technician for the Go-BGC project. She and another technician deployed 10 BGC-Argo floats throughout the Drake Passage and Southern Ocean, and collected water samples at each deployment station.  

As an oceanographic technician for CalCOFI, her responsibilities include assisting in post-cruise data processing, equipment maintenance, instrument calibrations, and cruise preparation. At-sea, her primary responsibilities will include deploying and recovering equipment, sampling from the CTD, and analyzing CTD samples. 

Josie enjoys playing bass, reading, running, and making art in her free time, and looks forward to getting involved in the local volleyball community!

We’re so happy to welcome Josie to our team!