ISUS Nitrate History
ISUS NITRATE HISTORY The original methods description was written Feb 2010 by J. Wilkinson. Changes to the method or instrument are listed below. Changes Cruise/Ship Date Author Description 1611SR+…
ISUS NITRATE HISTORY The original methods description was written Feb 2010 by J. Wilkinson. Changes to the method or instrument are listed below. Changes Cruise/Ship Date Author Description 1611SR+…
ISUS Nitrate Sensor SUMMARY: Since November 2004, a Satlantic ISUS nitrate sensor has been integrated with a Seabird 911+ CTD-Rosette system deployed on CalCOFI cruises. Cruises typically occupy 75…
PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY CHANGES A description of the method was written February 2010 by D. Wolgast. Changes to the method are listed below. Radioactive Specific Activity Changes Section Date Prepared By…
Salinity Determination OVERVIEW: This procedure describes the method for the determination of seawater salinity using a Guildline Portasal™ Salinometer (Model 8410). 1. Principle During a cruise a 24 bottle rosette is…
DISSOLVED OXYGEN SUMMARY: The amount of dissolved oxygen in seawater is measured using the Carpenter modification of the Winkler method. Carpenters modification (1965) was designed to increase the accuracy…
Chlorophyll Determination SUMMARY: Chlorophyll a is extracted in an acetone solution. Chlorophyll and phaeopigments are then measured fluorometrically using an acidification technique. 1. Principle Seawater samples of a known volume…
CalCOFI Time Series data are over 67 years old. New adopted practices, methods, software and hardware are thoroughly tested to maintain dataset continuity as the program & science evolves. Core…