Data Policy
Usage & Distribution
CalCOFI oceanographic and biological data are distributed to the community for use without restriction. CalCOFI oceanographic and biological data are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Persons who utilize CalCOFI data are required to state so in their work. An acceptable acknowledgment is to state in the methods that the data were obtained from the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations and mention in the acknowledgments that the data are available at
Unless otherwise noted, these data can be considered final data, evaluated using CalCOFI data quality control procedures. Preliminary data from recent cruises for which the data processing is not complete can generally be made available to those programs for which there is an operational need. Refer to the Contacts page for addressing such requests. We ask that preliminary data not be published or redistributed.
CalCOFI research is supported by contributions from the participating agencies: